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Monday 24 November 2014

Week of November 17-20

Last week started out snowy and cold.  We made snowflakes out of coffee filters.

We experimented with water colour paints.  Some friends used crayons and watched as the paint didn't cover the crayon markings.  We learned that water doesn't go through the wax.

We Built and Built and Built some more!

The Art Centre!

Christmas trees and snowmen!
A family portrait!
 Bunny pals that wanted to sit in the teacher's chair and their creators!
Making room for another friend and her artwork!
Traced at the light table and coloured in oh so carefully!
Tracing continues to be very popular.
She made a carrot nose!

Meanwhile at other centres . . .

Looking at the blog!

Mixing paint in ziploc bags.  We mixed red and blue to get purple, blue and yellow to get green, black and white to get gray, and  purple and white to get lavendar.

 The corn cob that we got from the pumpkin patch.  It is sitting in a small amount of water.  I hear that the kernels can sprout.  Students are predicting if we will have luck or not.
Also . . . we experimented by putting celery in coloured water and learned that the celery drinks the water and sends it to its leaves up on top.  We learned this because the leaves on the top turned blue and red from the water.  We also left one stalk out of water and observed how quickly it got limp because it did not have water to drink.  

 Did I mention that tracing is very popular?
The water table re-opened with water this week.
 Writing letters to the tooth fairy.

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