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Sunday 2 November 2014

Another exciting week! October 27-31

This week was filled with fun and excitement for everyone.  Thank you for sending your child with lots of orange and black spirit!
One of our new additions to the science centre.  We explored a pumpkin and a rock and predicted whether each would sink or float.  At the end of the day, we tested the objects in a large pail and reviewed our estimates.

We also used fabric and other materials to create costumes for our furry friends.

We signed a chart to tell everyone what we were going to be for Halloween.
We built skeletons using cotton swabs.  We also read a story about skeletons and were thrilled to find out that small children have a larger amount of bones than adults!
We played Hi-Ho Pumpkin O.  We put 10 pumpkins on our vine then chose chips with numbers from the pumpkin in the center of the table.  We used the number on the chip to pick pumpkins from our vine.  The first one with all of their pumpkins off was the first winner.  We continued until everyone had removed all of their pumpkins.  As always, the winner was the person who had the most fun!
The poem students were so proud they could read.  Because of their pride and satisfaction in being able to read these words, I sent home a copy for you.  This is just for fun.  Your child is not expected to know this or read it.  However, if they take an interest in it, please listen to their amazing reading.
He was very curious about his friends head band.  She shared it willingly!  Please note that, had this been fabric, we would not have allowed it to be shared due to lice prevention.
Writing Halloween words.  Words and pictures were posted around the room.  Students were challenged to find the pictures and write the corresponding words on their charts.

Slime, slime, glorious slime!

Mrs. Bates stopped by!  Great minds head-band alike!
What a masterpiece!
A costume masterpiece!
We had some special journals on Friday!

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