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Sunday 10 May 2015

Happy Mother's Day!

We hope our fabulous Moms enjoyed their tea, treats, and cards!  A special thank you to Mrs. Archer for sharing her recipe with us and for providing the supplies for the muffins.

Here are just some of the activities from the past two weeks...

Sadly, Ms. Detmar's student teaching term came to an end
last Friday and we had to say goodbye.  We loved having
her teach in our room and will miss her but wish her well
and hope our paths cross again!

We played with blue and red playdough, keeping the colours
separate for a few days before mixing them.  Students pre-
dicted that when we blended them, it would turn purple.

Instead of turning purple, it turned an unusual shade of grey,
then black.  However, one student added a little water to it
and noted that the water was indeed purple!

Filling in blanks and reading the garden words.

We started subtracting items from the guessing jar.  On the first
day, students estimate the quantity.  After we count the actual
quantity, I take out a small amount.  Here we started with 20 and
took out 5.  Students are learning to use the number chart to count
backward to reinforce concepts of subtraction.  This new approach
has reinvigorated participation and I have been giving away many
more bracelets (very happily!).

Beading with noodles.

Singing the song and playing the guitar like Ms. Detmar!

Using shapes found in the classroom to trace and draw pictures.

Oh so much going on here!  A lot of dramatic play - singing,
taking care of babies, and negotiating turns in the new chair!

Our farewell party to Ms. Detmar.


 Misc. Fun!



 We loved the Peter Pan play.  Ms, Romero and I thought hard about allowing students to re-enact scenes using swords and decided that we would allow this type of play for last week only.  Our usual policy is no weapon play at all but given the enthusiasm for the play, we allowed the re-enactments.

Ordering, measuring, and predicting the sizes of these stacking dolls.

Talking about time and building a clock.

 Making those muffins for you!

 More measuring - this time the standing long jump!

 Ahhhh - outside fun!!!

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