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Monday 13 October 2014

Week of October 6-10

Happy Thanksgiving!  I hope all are enjoying their holiday weekend!  Don't forget that tomorrow, October 14 is our field trip to the pumpkin patch.  Rain is predicted but I am hearing not until the late afternoon.  Please be sure your child is prepared just in case.  Rain boots and a jacket would be great!
Here are some pics of this past week's fun:

Here are some materials we put in our water table and turned it into a cutting centre.  Students were encouraged to note the differences in materials and the ability to cut them.  They discovered that the laminating film was easy to cut while the cardboard was the hardest to cut.
 Precise cutting NOT at the cutting centre!

We used small pumpkins to re-enact Five Little Pumpkins Sitting on a Gate.  We had the pumpkins but needed the gate.  Friends used materials from around the room to create their own gate.  They also used a battery operated candle and turned it off when, "ooh went the wind, and out went the lights".


Using materials from nature at the art centre

Students are really into leaves . . . still!

Creating Outfits Out of Found Materials

Some students went on word searches in the room.  They were looking for colour words.   Once they found words like: yellow, red, or blue, written somewhere in the room, they copied the letters onto their paper.

Fun at the carpet . . .

Identity Day was a great way to end a wonderful week and to kick off our long holiday weekend.  Thank you for the amazing identity day objects and projects. We learned a lot about each other!

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