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Sunday 7 December 2014

Weeks of November 24-28 and December 1-5

My apologies for not posting last week.  My laptop screen has decided to quit on me and I am at the mercy of my teen-age daughter's busy school schedule as I am borrowing hers.  There are many bits of news to go along with the last two weeks photos so please bear with me.

Can Drive

A HUGE thank you to all who donated cans and goods for our can drive.  We ended up with 174 cans!  This was well past our goal of 100.  I am truly amazed at the generosity of our families.  Your generosity was a source of pride for our class and we are very grateful to you!

Cereal Drive

We are sorry to pile this on right after our can drive but there seemed no other practical time to do this.  All 6 Early Years classes will be collecting cereal boxes to be donated to a school within our school board that has a breakfast program.  This benefits children who often come to school without breakfast.  We will not be counting the boxes as we did the cans and will deliver whatever we collect to the office before our break.

Field Trip

Don't forget that we are going to Colasanti's this Wednesday, December 10.  Please pack your child's snack in a separate bag and put it in their note tote.  We will gather the snacks and ask your child's chaperone to hold onto it until we have time to eat it at Colasanti's.  Thank you.

Winter Walk Through 

This Friday, December 12, SWPS will be holding their Winter Walk Through.  This is an opportunity for parents to visit their child's classroom and spend a little time in their school environment.  Parents are invited to come in and make a craft, read a holiday book, and explore the classroom with their children.  The Early Years Classes will be hosting parents from 2:00 until 3:00.  We ask that we have that last half hour to wrap up our day and get students ready and organized to go home (dressing to get ready to go home has become a lengthier process due to hats, mitts, scarves, boots, etc.).  We look forward to seeing you.  Please note that teachers will pay special attention to those children who do not have a parent attending.

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