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Sunday 22 February 2015

February 16-20

We had a great week despite being in for all but one recesses!

Using links to add.

Mixing colours in snow.  Thanks Ms. Romero for making
 countless trips into the cold to get new snow!

Small items trapped in ice!  How long will it take
melt?  What colour will the water be when the blue
and red melt?  Can we use tools to get the items out quicker?

Fun with stencils!

Will soap hurry things along?

"It's like one of those trucks that carries cars."

Fresh snow - thanks again Ms. Romero!

He wants glasses like Grandpa!

Maybe these tools will help.

So much going on at this table - adding and "bey blades".

Ms. Romero teaching about self-portraits.

Using mirrors to draw the details on our faces.

Making cards for Chinese New Year.  We read a non-fiction book
that taught us about this holiday.  We also read, Goldy Luck and the
Three Pandas, a story about a girl celebrating the Chinese New Year
with her family and neighbours.  Very similar to the Goldilocks.

Listening to a story and following along with the pointer and big book.

Building a bridge.

A selfie, kindergarten style.

Other friends wanted to get in on the selfie action.

Oh funny friends!!!

We love having guests in our room!

They held the camera and took their own selfies.

Using Blokus blocks on the light table.

Students responded to the video we watched.  We brainstormed ways
we could record our feelings about it.  Students decided they could use;
words, yes or no, smiley face, frown face, red, yellow, or green.  Red means,
"stop - I don't want to watch it again", green means, "I would go and watch
it again" and yellow means, "I don't love it and I don't dislike it".

Building a skateboard and ramp.
